Līgo Haibun Challenge – Word Prompt

Līgo Haibun Challenge – Word Prompt:

the prompt words for this week:
Mirror       OR       Faery.

A modern bank building in Padova reflects history!

The Student

The building, reflected the city in its modern mirror-like windows, reproducing the ancient medieval walls and buildings.  James wondered if it didn’t have a Dorian Grey effect on the city.  Although the traffic and smog congested the entire area, somehow, the enchantment of Padua seemed to grow rather than diminish as the weeks turned became months.

He’d come reluctantly, to study, with the idea of returning home as quickly as possible.  He knew now that it would be very unlikely that he’d return to his alpine village to live.  Each return “home”, made him realize that he had grown out of slow-paced atmosphere of the village.

The train pulled into the station.  He looked at the mirror-like building once more.  Yes, maybe a Dorian Grey effect.

glass reflections
past and future illusions
life’s surprises


Other Ligo Haibun Contributions:

8 thoughts on “Līgo Haibun Challenge – Word Prompt

  1. Pingback: The Faerie Glen Haibun | Simply Charming

  2. Pingback: Ligo Haibun Challenge – Passing of years | A Mixed Bag

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