Silly Poem: Dingo and his supper

The Monday prompt at We Drink Because We are Poets is:  Prompt: Nonsense Verse

So here goes:

Whist walking along a billabong…
A billabong, with mishy mushy waters
I over-heard this story
About Dingo dog
And how he got his supper.

Koala bear sat in his tree…
Dingo dog on the ground,
He was looking to some supper and
Koala bear looked quite fine
(Oh my.)
Koala said, “Oh Dingo dog…
Come up and eat with me!
I’ve got some loverly pieces here,
In my eucalyptus tree.”
But dingo dog just made a shrug
“What is eucalyptus to me?
I ain’t got no cold,
No cough nor wheeze!
I just don’t need your tree!”

 “Come down my friend,” said Dingo dog
From your
We’ll have some fun
A great good run,
Come down and play with me!”
Now Koala bear he knew the stare
Of  hungry grumpy Dingo.
“Oh me, oh my I’m sorry guy
I’ve got to eat my supper!”

There passed close by a Kangaroo,
A jumping in the muddies..
Old Dingo dog, he thought…
“I’ll go whole hog and have
Him for my supper!”
He skulked and slid upon his belly
Going oh so softly
And when he was about to jump
Kanga gave him a right sound thump!

 Poor Dingo dog let out a yelp!
“Now why’d you go and do that!
I was only funnin’ you, you know!
Playing in the grass!”
Kanga knew all about old Dingo dog
So said:
“Get you gone…ol’ mangy Dingo dog
Go find someone else to scare…
I ain’t no supper for you my laddy!
So go off just anywhere.”

Old Dingo dog felt quite
Dejected to feel his nose swell up
And then he saw Human guy…
And thought ! “Oh yeah!…some chow!”
Old Dingo started his skulking,
But Human guy had seen him too,
Hit him on his nose (again!)
With his didgeridoo!

“Now listen well ol’ Dingo dog
And I’ll tell you what we’ll do.
You come with me to hunt wallabies
And you’ll fatten like a hog!”
So the Human guy and Dingo dog
They made themselves a deal!
And walked they by the billabong
A catch’in wallabies!

Other entries:

Fantastical Flutterby by Lilith at 5 Degrees of Inspiration

10 thoughts on “Silly Poem: Dingo and his supper

  1. Pingback: Monday Poetry Prompt #3 Results! | We Drink Because We're Poets

  2. Pingback: Silver Polishing – Children’s Stories 1 – Dingo and His Supper | Bastet's Feedback Blog

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