Just a Note: My Favorite Pub!

Mulled Wine

Good Morning World!

Yeah, it’s not Monday but I just needed to give you some of the news from my favorite pub: We Drink Because We’re Poets…yeah, I’ve been letting the heat bake my brain and let this piece of news slip past me without a word…but no more!

If you’re following this fantastic site, you know that there is yet another new addition to the places where we can sit back and let our hair down.  There is now a We Drink Musicc room!!!!  Music Lilith Writes To.  Here, in her own words is what it’s all about:

“I’ll be launching two new bi-weekly features on my other passion, MUSIC! I will be showcasing some of my favorite artists and composers to write to, as well as a writing to music prompt like the last one, as I was SO impressed with the efforts put forth. I am always excited to introduce people to artists that may go unnoticed or undiscovered due to the climate of the music industry nowadays (especially in the States), so the opportunity will feed my desire to share the artists I so love and adore.”

Back on June 5th, Lilith inspired us with a fantastic Prompt from a great piece of music…it was epic…here let me link that for you so you can go and have a look for yourself…Wednesday Short Story Prompt #6, the musician she introduced us to was:  Trailerhead … as you may all know…there are no deadlines for the prompts at We Drink Because We’re Poets…we can click back to them at anytime and get inspired!

Let me just give you a taste of her first feature:

Miyavi, Guitar Samurai

So…missed something…been away…the heat got your brain (oh that has happened to me quite often lately!)…just go to the header page of We Drink Because We’re Poets and pick your passion…we drink music, we drink photography, we drink poetry, we drink short stories and of course featured articles!

By the way!  While this was going to press…Lilith came out with her first new music prompt dedicated to Miyavi! Haven’t seen it yet…now’s the time to do so!

And now for an announcement:

I am taking a couple of days off from commenting, not writing just commenting…then I’m going to the lake to cool my brain down…well maybe I’ll do just a little commenting…ah…yeah, maybe I’ll just visit the reader for half an hour…mmm…well…maybe…

You have a great day everyone and happy 4th of July to you Americans especially to Papi Z 😉 !

7 thoughts on “Just a Note: My Favorite Pub!

    • I, my dear, love the place…been going to it since March and have recently been asked to join the team…I guess they figured if I was going to keep writing about them…. 🙂


  1. Great post my friend, and I love the thought of writing to music! I’m sure that section of the pub will do well. Have a good rest, good vacation and rejeuvenate…I’ll miss your words!


    • Ah…I was lying so I could hear sweet words asking me not to stop commenting 😉 … seriously though, my youngest is coming home and hubby is annoyed I’m on the computer so much…so less commenting to have more space for writing stories and poems. But I will always answer who comments me directly!


      • Good to hear! But, you enjoy that time with your youngest and give him a big hello from me! As for hubby, I feel your pain. However, Danny gained a little respect for the time spent once he saw my story published…now he calls me his little “Agatha Christie.” but prior to that, he thought I was on dating sites looking for his replacement!


  2. Pingback: Wednesday Short Story Prompt Results! For 7-3-13 | We Drink Because We're Poets

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