Haibun: Samara Recognized

“Not only the thirsty seek the water, the water as well seeks the thirsty.” – Rumi


Walking down the path near the lake, contemplating the early morning silence, glad to be alone.

Sitting on a bench was a young women.  She looked sad.  Suddenly our eyes met and I could have been peering into a 40 years younger me in a mirror.  I recognized the tell-tale signs of the aftermath of an argument, the search for reasons behind unreasonable situations.  How often, then, I’d wished for someone to be there, just be present so I didn’t feel so alone.  We smiled.  I hesitated only for a moment and went over to her.

“How about a cup of coffee?” I smiled.
“Yes, that would be great!” She replied.

similar paths
samsara recognized

Written for Ligo Haibun Challenge: Persian Words

other participants:

19 thoughts on “Haibun: Samara Recognized

  1. Pingback: I Don’t Know I’m Thirsty | angieinspired

  2. “tell-tale signs of the aftermath of an argument”…love the way you weave your story and then bring everything together with the verse at the end. Perfect picture for the haibun too. 🙂


  3. i enjoyed your haibun offering – the simplicity of the moment yet complexity of emotions beneath each character –
    the haiku made a nice finish. thanks for sharing and the ping back. 🙂


  4. Pingback: I Don’t Know I’m Thirsty – Angie C. Poetry

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