Triolet: marble cheese

marble cheeseTriolet

marble cheese

seems that art can be anything
from broken glass to marble cheese
maybe good taste is vanishing
seems that art can be anything
one mustn’t be condescending
though this modern art might not please
seems that art can be anything
from broken glass to marble cheese

OctPorWriMo 2013: Day 17

Cubby’s Challenge The Triolet!

28 thoughts on “Triolet: marble cheese

    • Thanks…those marble cheese forms are a point of contention in our community…cost a fortune and they keep moving them around…they’re supposed to used to sit on…like marble puff cushions. There’s also a fountain I recently discovered, but it’s never been put on display…I’ll have to get a picture of that tomorrow I think.


  1. Pingback: When It Breaks: A Triolet and Challenge | Reowr

  2. Oh, I haven’t tried this form before. Might have to give it a go. I agree though, I’ve read of half a dead cow being exhibited, it’s inside on show? Perhaps I’m thick, but that’s not so much art as a biology class? X


    • It’s a great form actually, try it and link Cubby…she gives great explanation and does a wonderful challenge. Ach…the world of art has really hit some sad points over the last few years…the half dead cow is not the worst of it! Hugs.


      • Oh I know what you meant; I was speaking from the point of view of the artist..their visions may be skewed, but I’m guessing they see some aesthetic values in such pieces, and hence choose to display it…the opposing angle to it is, they want us to think by either shocking or mocking us -or just highlighting ordinary objects as art pieces for whatever purpose they may have. Does that make sense?


  3. There’s a world of difference between Art and art, you know? People like me make art. Then there are others who make Art that people like your councilman are willing to pay for. 🙂 I love your poem!


    • Ah…know what you’re saying…people like my husband and I also make art…then there are the “art” merchants and people who would invest their money in a half of a dead cow (ref. comments above). Basically though the Marble Cheese forms wouldn’t have been so bad in a supermarket, but the man bought like 10 of them and put them all around the center of town and they’re heavy so he’s spending a fortune moving them around too!


  4. Pingback: Sunday Poetry……A Special Season (Triolet-2) | OH, THE THINGS WE SHALL SEE ~ Photo companion blog to

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