Trifecta: Week 106

Trifecta: Week 106


The man from Cush

There once was a man from near Cush
who fell lightly upon his great tush
he’d been out a drinkin
so no surprise he kept sinkin
then he hid out behind a great bush.


Free Verse


A man with a great meaty tush
is not what one would call a great catch
unless of course it implies
he has a large bank account hidden by.

A woman with a great meaty tush
was a beauty of another age
when florid forms were all the rage
as we’ve seen in paintings of yore.

Tushes are an interesting gauge
of how people spend all their days
if they sit and work without walking
then maybe they tend to be flat.

Ok…I’ve done some sillyness for this prompt!  Have a great week.


This week’s word prompt is the third definition of tush:  3. buttocks (slang)
• Your response must be between 33 and 333 words.
• You must use the 3rd definition of the given word in your post.
• The word itself needs to be included in your response.
• You may not use a variation of the word; it needs to be exactly as stated above.
• Only one entry per writer.
• If your post doesn’t meet our requirements, please leave your link in the comments section, not in the linkz.
• Trifecta is open to everyone.

21 thoughts on “Trifecta: Week 106

    • ah yes…well, didn’t know what to write so the best thing to do in these cases is to let your fingers do the writing, and as I was in a silly mood… 🙂


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