Trifecta: Week 109

The Covered Wagon

The old covered wagon had set out in the back of the museum for years.  Every once and a while a committee got together and restored the canvas covering, or pitched the wood to save it from insects.

Of course, it had it’s own bit of history.  No one really remembered how the wagon got there though.  The years had passed and ironically, memory failed most of the people associated with the museum.  People just thought of it as the covered wagon.

“Marvin, aren’t there any historical documents about the covered wagon? Nothing at all?” Mary enquired.

“Nope, except for a bill of sale from the Johnstons. Anyway, it’s a covered wagon, a bit of history in its own right…whatever.” He said distractedly.

“Can I go through the archives?”

“Sure, sure…”

She looked for months and like many before her she never found any reference to the covered wagon.  It was just one of hundreds of others that had gone through the town back in the late 1800s. The only interesting thing was that it was still there.

Of course it has its story, known only to itself.  A sad little story.  It was really a very common story to hundreds of other families throughout that period.  A husband with his young wife and new born child.  A case of diphtheria.  The baby and young wife died.  The man sold his wagon and abandoned his hopes and his dreams to a small farmer on the outskirts of town, he became an alcoholic. No one remembers his name, maybe they never knew it.  Eventually, it being a useful piece of property,  the wagon was salvaged then it was sold years later to the museum society.

A covered wagon…it’s history…whatever.

word count: 288


1. (pronoun) a: anything or everything that
b: no matter what : regardless of what
Used in questions that express surprise or confusion
2. (adjective) a: all the
b: any ; any … that
Used to refer to something that is not known
3. (adverb) Used to show that something is not important

• Your response must be between 33 and 333 words.
• You must use the 3rd definition of the given word in your post.
• The word itself needs to be included in your response.
• You may not use a variation of the word; it needs to be exactly as stated above.
• Only one entry per writer.
• If your post doesn’t meet our requirements, please leave your link in the comments section, not in the linkz.

20 thoughts on “Trifecta: Week 109

  1. If only historical artifacts could talk, instead of us having to create stories for them. I think there would be far fewer whatevers. Of course, if they could talk people would be a lot more careful about what they do 😉


  2. This is a sweet piece, and a reminder that everything has a story. My great-great grandparents came across the plains in a covered wagon. They too lost a child on the trip… I wonder where it is buried.


    • I don’t really know why that story came to mind, in the sense that I have nothing in my background to suggest it. But I’ve always been fascinated by history and with the idea that if things could talk, the tales they’d tell. I think it was pretty common losing the young and the old on these trips. There may be geneological type societies that could help you get an answer to your question.


  3. I agree with J.Milbrium…The world would be a very different place if those old historical pieces could tell stories of their era. Por old wagon…No one could know the mystery of it. Sad one !


    • Ah yes Sun, which is why so many things keep repeating themselves in an endless destructive loop…glad you like the story thought which fortunately doesn’t fit in the loop category.


  4. One of my favourite blogs to follow is a popular one called, Humans of New York. In it, a photographer photographs ordinary New Yorkers in ordinary settings, interviews them and then, “tells their stories.” Their answers are profoundly interesting to me. As so many have said in your comments, there are so many stories waiting to be told; of people, of objects, of places and events. Our stories are our priceless treasures; the heirlooms we hand down from generation to generation. I think this story is terrific and important. Thanks for writing and sharing it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for this great comment, I love history and imagining how things might have been or have fit into history etc. I’d really be very happy if you could send me a link to this blog site you mentioned here, it sound very very interesting!


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