Friday Fictioneers – June 27, 2014


PHOTO PROMPT Copyright-Madison Woods

The War

One day in Chad, returning from a dental appointment in the bush, we came upon a tree which separated two villages.

A man with a spear stood by the tree not far the road we were using.

“You can’t go through here, turn back!” he said.

“What’s happening brother?” my driver asked.

“There’s a war here … our cattle have been stolen by thieves from that village!” he said pointing to a burning village not far away. “They killed one of them to eat! We’ve placed the skull as a warning to all!”

We turned around and took another road.

Written for Friday Fictioneers – this is a true story, except for the tree with the skull.


18 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – June 27, 2014

in shadows light - walking under weeping pines - spring rain

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