Paradise – Choka – November 29, 2014


what is paradise
looking up into the sky
the universe twinkles
black material – star-dust
but not paradise
cherry blossoms in spring-time
delicious and sweet
their petals in the wind fall
inspiring poets
so delightful for the soul
but not paradise
the waterfall burbles bright
its waters – laughter
a song like angels voices
but not paradise
a lovers embrace – warming
hearts in harmony
both peaceful and exalting
but not paradise

ah! an instant there and gone
formless – beyond perception

(c) G.s.k. ’14

Linked to: Carpe Diem Haiku Kai – Paradise

17 thoughts on “Paradise – Choka – November 29, 2014

  1. Brilliant Georgia —
    I’ve been sitting here forever – struggling – “what is paradise” – and not getting anywhere. Very nicely done —


    • LOL … guess who else was sitting here struggling … I could come up with a cute haiku but nothing short of a choka satisfied me 😉 … though I’ll try something else over at The Waka Library.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree absolutely. I have no conception of paradise beyond those accidental moments of joy that arrive out of nowhere. A well-worded response to the prompt 🙂


in shadows light - walking under weeping pines - spring rain

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