Arco in Winter – Haibun/Prose Poem – February 9, 2015

Signed_pigeon_FotoSketcherLast days of autumn, the first cold wind begins blowing through the valley, the perfume of wood smoke fills the air .. and only a few pigeons breakfast  in the plazas.  Tourists have now gone home and the city, fallen into winter lethargy, resembles some giant animal as it hibernates, awakening only from time to time for the holidays.

Silence, but for the cooing of a pigeon and whispering winds.  This is Arco until spring thaw.

restless sleep
dreaming of summer mornings
latte and brioche

G.s.k. ’15

14 thoughts on “Arco in Winter – Haibun/Prose Poem – February 9, 2015

  1. So beautiful Georgia — really a very dreamy picture of winter in your town. Or — winter in so many other towns as they dream between tourist seasons 🙂

    That wood smoke is pretty thick here lately though — yikes! So cold that it’s permeating everything.

    Thanks for posting the MLMM Unicorn. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks jen and yes, most tourist towns are more or less like this I think … and the wood smoke is so common in these parts … really pretty bad at times if the wind doesn’t come up .. but guess it’s better than the city exhaust smog .. 🙂 no problem for MLMM … forgot to put what number the post was … oh well


      • By this point I’ve totally forgotten about numbers … LOL…

        Here the wood smoke gets so thick in town …. yuk …. it’s good in small doses, but in some areas the smoke just *hangs*. About a block up from “Edgar Ent” is a bad pocket. Not sure what’s going on with the air flow there! Have tried to get a photo of it – unsuccessfully — a low-lying cloud stretching from the houses to the streetlights. Will have to be in a haiku at some point — the house that’s the worst offender has that fireplace running year round it seems. :O

        But hey, yes, it does beat smog 😉


in shadows light - walking under weeping pines - spring rain

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