Morning Haiku and Waka – September 16, 2015

Jisei thoughts at dawn

imagining that walk
through deserts, woods and towns
a last poem

this grey dawn
the cock crows thrice
not even a crow caws

walking a Silk Road
into a new adventure
through the desert

summer sunshine wans
in the woods – trees turn bright red
the sparrows are gone
as the fall rains begin
my thoughts turn to winter

© G.s.k. ‘15

I dedicate this post to Heeding Haiku With Chèvrefeuille which heavily influence my morning thoughts.

17 thoughts on “Morning Haiku and Waka – September 16, 2015

  1. Your Jisei is so moving, cara, especially the last stanza…I’m not sure I can write mine. I did write something 25 years ago when studying Gerontology…I have to think about this one .


  2. Pingback: The Sunday Wrap: September 20, 2015 | The Seeker's Dungeon

  3. Pingback: The Sunday Wrap: September 27, 2015 | The Seeker's Dungeon

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