Between the Seasons – Haiku – September 28, 2015

Red Fallen Leaves

between the seasons
the vitality of youth
red fallen leaves

the undercurrent
between the earth and moon
thralling attraction

there they stood
between the lines she wrote
her adieu

© G.s.k. ‘15

31 thoughts on “Between the Seasons – Haiku – September 28, 2015

  1. I fell in love with the first one for it has all the quality of a traditional haiku ! …the vitality of youth and the red fallen leaves …what a juxt !
    Nevertheless the second and the third one has the quality of mesmerising haikus ! Well knitted Georgia !


  2. I like your haiku. It’s funny but the first haiku I wrote for this prompt started with the line ‘between the seasons.’ Mine was silly so I discarded it – yours is much stronger.

    Liked by 1 person

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