Morning Waka and Haiku – Storm – October 5, 2015

Jen's Lightening

Photo Credits for Jen’s Lightening 

hugging her pillow
the child trembles fearfully –
a raging storm

storms in the deserts
too many jinns are afreets
dressed up like men

as a storm of bombs fall
hospital burns
three doctors killed in a flash
without hearing the thunder

fearful child trembles –
the raging storms of mankind
far from her bed
she only fears the thunder
echoing in the mountains

© G.s.k. ‘15

44 thoughts on “Morning Waka and Haiku – Storm – October 5, 2015

  1. The world is a fire storm….the bad news never ends. I’m glad you mentioned the hospital bombing….Terrible tragedy. Will now go and make a nice cup of Twinings tea.Busy months for poets. Thanks for your continuing support.


    • Another example of senseless tragedy … and the Americans had been warn the day before I heard that bombs had come very close to the hospital. I thank you for your support as well dear lady … Twinings huh, seems to be a good idea … I’ll go for Gunpowder Green 😉


  2. It saddens me so much ! All these violence all over the world .
    You have expressed the grotesque scene of violence in such a poignant way through the feelings of a child ! Stormy days indeed .


  3. Nice contrast.. it’s beyond me to speak about human induced catastrophes, i’m just too cinical for that: but the child who hugs her pillow while bombs kill other inocents is evocative.. moves the mind to questions and i’ve got a thing for questions..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well .. it’s hard to really understand human induced catastrophes … the image came to mind while I was writing the poem actually and so I wrote them in the order the images came … I’d just heard the evening before about the bombs falling on the hospital of “Medici Senza Frontiere” and we had a thunder storm here …

      Liked by 1 person

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