Solstice Night – Soliloqui no Renga – January 10, 2016


paper balloon with candle – solstice celebrations

at the seashore
wind of summer through my hair
the shortest night

© Chèvrefeuille

there a shooting star flares
reflections on the water

night whispers
palm trees and willows
midnight encounter

splashing crescendo
love-making odyssey

 skimming the waves
along the dark skyline
bobbing lights

fishermen young and old
their life in their nets

upon the shoals
echos of ghostly laughter
old coot

first rays of moonlight
shimmer off the duck’s back

in silence
reverberating splash
a single pebble

toasting with wine
an a-ha moment

ach – that old sultry song
mosquito’s ode


pink and red on velvet blue
so ends the shortest night

© G.s.k. ‘16

Carpe Diem Special #191 A Trip Along Memory Lane #2 Soliloquy no Renga

14 thoughts on “Solstice Night – Soliloqui no Renga – January 10, 2016

  1. (Applause!!) Brava, cara, I could hear and see each beautiful image you have penned…so many lovely moments…aha moments, chin chin, the old coot laughing made me smile, splashing crescendo!! the shortest and most memorable night. Beautifully written, cara…I have bittersweet feelings on this day, my mother’s birthday. I should write something of her birth. GrandMaman a toujours dit que sa petite Colombe était son enfant d’amour car elle était conçu un dimanche après-midi! Bonne journée, mon amie x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad you enjoyed the solstice celebration 🙂 I’m so sorry my dear that your sad … ;( and quite understandable .. What a lovely thing for your GrandMaman to have said! Hug hugs my dearest!


in shadows light - walking under weeping pines - spring rain

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