The Voice – Free Verse – January 28, 2016

abandoned house with doll

Hear me,
I am the Voice of the Wanderers
survivors are we
we travel the land
where the mighty once stood
infinitely powerful
but not very wise
they pissed in their nests
and befouled their own drink
think now you my people
as I tell you the tale
of this abandoned house
and this abandoned town
and all of the glories
and all of the destruction
of those who begat us
many eons ago.

Abandoned … this house and all that is hidden within.

G.s.k. ‘16

The photo is the prompt for Poem Tryouts: More Abandoning which I found on “Jane Dougherty Writes

which inspired the story below .. this poem is a sort of introduction to the story.

The Voice – Science Fiction – January 28, 2016

14 thoughts on “The Voice – Free Verse – January 28, 2016

in shadows light - walking under weeping pines - spring rain

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