In the Spirit of Mgur – Tanka – February 17, 2016

Misleading yogi sat-nav #yoga #funny:

the dharma road
runs through shadows and sunshine
it’s stony and smooth
(but distinguish your finger
when searching for the moon)

© G.s.k. ‘16

Here is Milaraspa’s Mgur on his Faith

Faith is the firm foundation of my house,
Diligence forms the high walls,
Meditation makes the huge bricks,
And Wisdom is the great corner-stone.
With these four things I build my castle,
And it will last as long as the Truth eternal!
Your worldly houses are delusions,
Mere prisons for the demons,
And so I would abandon and desert them.

Carpe Diem Tokubetsudesu #70 Tibetan’s Mgur, a religious form of poetry: “For this episode I love to challenge you to write a haiku, tanka, choka or another Japanese poetry form in which you try to catch your religious or spiritual ideas as did  in his poems. Of course you may also share “Mgur” (song). “

I guess times change and visions differ:  faith, diligence and meditation are a part of the discipline of not only the Dharma but most beliefs … I don’t know anything about demons unless we’re talking about people who pretend to be enlightened and beautiful but are actually only seducers with their own agenda and of course delusions and sadness result from having to do with these people.  On the other hand delusions and sadness have been a constant part of all times,this  usually occurs when one let’s oneself live with “expectations”,  though our houses may not be castles the metaphor is not far distant from our own … but basically my concept of the Dharma is not a concept of war against the world – which is the sensation I get from the Mgur.

Dharma the Cat sample Pdf

6 thoughts on “In the Spirit of Mgur – Tanka – February 17, 2016

in shadows light - walking under weeping pines - spring rain

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