A to Z Challenge – The Letter J – April 12, 2016

jujube tree

jujube tree

In Jupiter’s jungle grow jujubes and junipers,
be-jewelled with jaded leaves and juicy fruits.
Julianne or Jennifer joyed in the fruits
And often junketed into the jungle.

Juno became jealous when her be-jowled
jovial old satyr went *jocking into the jungle,
looking for Julianne or Jennifer
Junketing for jujube fruits.

“Justice!” thought Juno,
(Juggling her Japanese
Jewelled shuriken)
“Justice and revenge!”

Justifiably worried, Jennifer was well read,
She avoided the jovicentric
Jungle as much as she could
Refusing to junket with Julianne again.

Julianne, a juvenile jitterbug queen,
Jubilantly jazz danced with Jupiter
‘Til his joints were like jellybeans,
Effectively curtailing his amorous jousting.

But Juno was jealous just the same
Unjustifiably jaundiced against women,
(Jupiter just could do Juno no wrong)
Until a certain joker Jinn jumped in.

With its Janus face, jolly and jeering,
The Jinn jostled her into being just!
She turned the tables and jocularly,
With Jacobean judiciousness,
Jiggled jellyfish into the Jovian jock strap.

© G.s.k. ‘16

*jocking: to engage in flirtatious behavior with another; to crush on someone; to hit on someone Brandon, constantly laughing, smiling, lightly touching and generally talking up a storm, was jocking Amanda.
by Anonymous May 22, 2003
Blogging from A to Z April Challenge

8 thoughts on “A to Z Challenge – The Letter J – April 12, 2016

  1. Oh haha!!! I was reading with such awe at all the J words you included in this fun poem and was not prepared for that ending…j’adore ton sens d’humour.


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