Rondeau Redoublé: Cyberbullies

Rondeau Redouble


Seems we prefer victims once they are dead.
Easier to sit back than take up a cause,
Silently watching we aide and abed,
Laughing with bullies we sharpen their claws!

So used to cruelty it gives us no pause,
Meek are the victims and carefully bred
We love martyrs I think this because,
Seems we prefer victims once they are dead.

Maybe it’s fear we’ve grown in our head.
We won’t defend victims from bully outlaws.
Better be quiet you see we’re well-bred.
Easier to sit back than take up a cause.

A victim the tough guy chews in his maws.
The silly chicken or the gross dead-head,
Ridiculing, hurting seeking guffaws…
Silently watching we aide and abed.

He’s funny baiting the nerdy egghead,
Such a great show, he deserves your hurrahs!
Tomorrow maybe you’ll be the knucklehead…
Laughing with bullies we sharpen their claws!

Taught you’d go to heaven turning your cheek
Taught to hold back and never be exposed
Taught to love the strong and despise the weak
Taught to laugh when some bunny just explodes
Seems we prefer victims.

Written for:  Special Prompt: Cyber-bullying – A Challenge
Traces of Soul .

11 thoughts on “Rondeau Redoublé: Cyberbullies

  1. Oh my!! This is so amazing and right on!! The next few months are always difficult when kids are being bullied and November December to February I cringe at the calls of despair I get at work. You just said it so well…raw and true! Thank you!! Oliana


  2. Pingback: Cyberbullying rap, verse or poem…anyone??? | Traces of the Soul

    • Thanks Cubby for the Reowr and your comment. This general attitude really touches me. It really does seem that we do lip service towards victims while smiling on the bullies.


  3. Incredible and profound. Disturbing in it’s truth – who stands for the victim? Who will enter the fray? We must stop being a society of watchers and become “Our brother’s keeper”. Who knows, we may be the next “Victim”. Great post. Susan x


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