Just A Note! June 2, 2014

Hello World!

Do you know AnElephant?  He’s a delightful pink elephant that writes great stories and poetry in his blog named “anelephantcant“!

He’s written a novella by the name of “The Second Request” and published it in pdf e-book form that you can download from his blog.  Here’s what he has to say:

AnElephantCant count all his money
He soon will be as rich as King Croesus
He has several rooms
Full of shiny doubloons
And great piles of diamonds and sundry gold pieces

Both his readers probably know he is fibbing
But he has a reason which to him makes great sense
His book is now free
Because he wants to see
If he can help Scotland achieve her Independence

Now the book is not overtly political
It is a thriller exciting and short
It is set in the future
Which we all have to nurture
And that means Freedom if you are a Scot

In his homeland the ballot is secret
But AnElephant’s intentions are not hard to guess
This is just a daft verse
But if you read his words
He has only one vote but his vote is Yes!”
(C) AnElephant

So, pop over to his post “Wheeee Look It’s a Free E-book!”  The book looks like this:

The Second Request by anelephantcant

The Second Request by anelephantcant

Between you and me, it’s a delightful mystery …. it begins when all the children in a certain area of Scotland disappear only to reappear shortly after a mother makes an appeal…but I don’t want to ruin the story for you, go and get your copy by clicking the link above to “anelephantcant”!

Have a nice day, and happy reading!  Bastet

5 thoughts on “Just A Note! June 2, 2014

in shadows light - walking under weeping pines - spring rain

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