Sunday Whirl and NaPoWriMo – Haiku and Tanka – April 10, 2016


wintry last stands
where talk ends and hope is born
rain drips on blossoms

the river flows
tales under the surface
call to us
concentric circle shimmers
as a trout eat mosquitoes.

© G.s.k. ‘16


NaPoWriMo: Day 10 – Smorgasbord Sunday

29 thoughts on “Sunday Whirl and NaPoWriMo – Haiku and Tanka – April 10, 2016

  1. This line stands out to me as so poignant: “where talk ends and hope is born”—and those concentric circles just inspire such gorgeous visual imagery in the reader’s mind 🙂


  2. We should be pleased at each change of season as nature’s rhythm rolls on doing what it has to do yet we tend to associate pleasure and pain with each one in our contrary way. You poem had a lovely acceptance of life’s cycle.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks dear sir … life goes on with or without our approval, I feel it’s best to find the sweetness in each season … things work out so much more nicely that way.


  3. Beautifully penned…you are more forgiving to our winter than I am, I must admit. Imagine my walking to work yesterday in pouring rain and I see snow on the windshield of the cars near my work. It must have snowed in the night…sheeesh.

    Liked by 1 person

in shadows light - walking under weeping pines - spring rain

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