Silly Poem: Old Friends

Old Friends

Silly Poem

Old Friends

Hey Bob…

Yes Jim..

“Seen any new chicks lately”
“Not a one…just men.”

“Been a bit slow these days…”
“Yeh…people not talking
as much as
they used to!”

Hey Jim…

Yes Bob…

“Look at those tourist kids…”
“What about ’em man?”
“They’re all talking into boxes…”
“Yeah…I noticed that…”

Hey Bob…

Yes Jim…

“Aren’t those the guys from the company?”
“Yep…sure does look like the phone co. guys.”

Hey Steve…

Yes John…

“Let’s get these old guys down quick
I’d like a bite!”
“Ok…just let me call my wife…”
And he took our his iPhone.

16 thoughts on “Silly Poem: Old Friends

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