Shuukan – September 30, 2014

Among the various stages of my life,  I was a Shiatsu student (and therapist) which was when I first came into contact with Zen in a big way.  I naturally passed through a period when I ate vegetarian and macrobiotic, because I never do anything by halves.  Here’s an excerpt from a site called Sushi Zen that talks about the various condiments one uses when you eat sushi:

The Condiments
The thinly sliced pink ginger on your plate is called gari. Eat just a slice between pieces of sushi to re-enliven your palate. The shredded white radish, called daikon, is for cleansing your palate between different orders. Wasabi is the little green chunk of horseradish paste that some often mix with shoyu as a sauce for dipping sushi. If you aren’t used to eating wasabi, be forewarned: when eaten full strength, it has an electric effect on the sinuses that can make a strong man weep openly.
from Sushi Zen

Sometimes I still make vegetarian meals and I love to make and eat rolled rice sushi in nori algae.  I don’t make wasabi, but I can find it at my local biological food store … and at the “all you can eat” chinese restaurant that specializes in various types of sushi.

rolled black sushi
veggies and rice in nori
hot wasabi paste

(for macrobiotic sushi recipes go here there are some lovely illustrations to help you learn how to roll rice sushi ( photos came from this great blog site) )

Written for Carpe Diem Shuukan

9 thoughts on “Shuukan – September 30, 2014

    • lol .. vicious stuff. I often wonder why, throughout the world people peel their mouths with spices and stuff. I was a tender mouth until I went to Africa. They too tend to have food that’s so spicy that if you have sinus problems you clear them up with the first bite of the meal. Then you just sweat, cry and keep a kleenex ready for the nasal drip.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well, I guess that’s one way to keep the passages (permanently) open!

        Read somewhere that you actually *do* kill “tender” taste buds after repeated exposure to spicy-hot food … hence some people’s tolerance.

        I like it in moderate doses … but there are limits!


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