Sounds, Smells and Light – Morning Haiku and Waka – September 30, 2014

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAdawn fills the valley
with mystical pastel lights
the lake blushes

streaking pastel hues
behind the mountains lengthen
sparrows twitter

the sparrows swoop and swirl
ah – white cat hunting

– bells begin to ring
imagine the dawning morn
from the olive groves

awaiting breakfast
the room smells of banana
coffee and brioche

6 thoughts on “Sounds, Smells and Light – Morning Haiku and Waka – September 30, 2014

  1. Mmmmm….. this is a great morning picture in your series …. and I don’t even like morning that much, LOL!

    Seriously though — I saw, heard and smelled it and it was gorgeous 😀


in shadows light - walking under weeping pines - spring rain

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