Little Creatures Challenge – February 7, 2015


bright mums blossoming
a whirl of cosmic colors
among falling leaves

© G.s.k. ‘15

The Little Creatures prompt means we take the prompt (this week chrysanthemums) and write a new classical haiku … The rules are:

The syllable count: 5-7-5
This is the most important rule and this is what makes haiku a haiku.

The inspiration source:A haiku is inspired by a short moment. This short moment is as short as the sound of a pebble thrown in water. Say ‘one heart beat’ short. (You can say haiku is a ‘aha-erlebnis’).

The seasonword (kigo)
To place the haiku in a specific season the classical Japanese poets used ‘kigo’ or seasonwords. These are words that refer to a season e.g. tulips (Spring); sunbathing (Summer), colored leaves (Autumn) and snow (Winter).

This I have to explain I think. Interchanging means that the first and third sentence of the haiku are interchangeable without losing the imagery of the haiku e.g.

by Chèvrefeuille 

Here are two examples found on this week’s prompt:

all the chrysanthemums
under heaven have peacefully
begun to bloom
©  Ippyō (1815)

such a bad feeling
he needs to beat insanity –
white Chrysanthemum

©  Chèvrefeuille

17 thoughts on “Little Creatures Challenge – February 7, 2015

  1. You write such lovely haiku for this flower, cara. I used to plant them around my vegetable garden…the smell from that flower wards away bugs…well, some and slugs. There are so many prompts on CP I just noticed that I find it discouraging. I will just enjoy yours and see what inspires me:) Your Blues one inspired me because I love NY and I love blues.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I pick and choose prompts because there are so many. But I always enjoy reading the results and commenting. I wish folks commented more or at least read and liked. It is good to encourage each other. These days, we need all the smiles we can get. And this haiku is so perfect for that amazing photo. I love the whirling among the leaves!


in shadows light - walking under weeping pines - spring rain

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