American Haiku: Moon Shine

b&w moon

American Haiku


Moon Shine

moon shine over mountains
inebriates my sleeping mind
she reflects on the roof top


Mountain moonshine
inebriates my mind
before dawn.

n.b.  I’m trying to find Jack Kerouac’s form of haiku…the American Haiku:

“Then I’ll invent the American Haiku type: The simple rhyming triolet:– Seventeen syllables?  No, as I say, American Pops:– Simple 3-line poems”


– Jack Kerouac, Reading Notes 1965

“The windmills of
Oklahoma look
In every direction.”
“One flower
on the cliffside
Nodding at the canyon.”


 “In the medicine cabinet
the winter fly
Has died of old age.”


Someone said that the American Sentence is the same thing…but no.  Allen Ginsberg invented the American Sentence :

From: “This form, invented by Allen Ginsberg, is simply a variation of the haiku. The rules of an American Sentence are very simple. The poem is one sentence, 17 syllables long. That’s it. If you can write a haiku, you can write an American Sentence, though it would also be fair to argue it’s a little more challenging because while haiku don’t have to be complete sentences, American Sentences … well, kind of obviously do.” The American Sentence – Writing on the Sun

Seems the Ginsberg didn’t like to write haiku so: “Ginsberg’s solutions, which first appear in his book Cosmopolitan Greetings, are his American Sentences: One sentence, 17 syllables, end of story. It makes for a rush of a poem, and if you decide to include the season and an aha! moment as Japanese haiku do—i.e., a divided poem with a hinge or pause separating the originator from the kapow!—well, more power to you!” – Allen Ginsberg’s American Sentences – An Introduction to His Variation on Haiku.

And just to confus me a little more, whilst doing OctPoWriMo 2013 I did this prompt: OctPoWriMo – Poetry Prompt Day 21: Short, Sweet and Simple:

He wanted to try something different, though, and purely American, so he created the American Sentence Poem. It is like a haiku in that it is seventeen syllables, but the sound units are spread over a sentence rather than a three line poem.
Today, your challenge is to write a micropoem.
In other words, very short.Very sweet. Very simple.
Seventeen syllables or less.
Word Prompt: Miccropoem

Quotes for inspiration:

“One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.”
― Jack Kerouac
“Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don’t be sorry.”
― Jack Kerouac
“Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion.”

– Jack Kerouac

Anyone know something about this subject?

10 thoughts on “American Haiku: Moon Shine

  1. I love it! Of course, you went the same direction (with the moonshine) that I was headed…but I think I’ll take your Allen Ginsberg thinking and write a simple sentence. Thanks. I’m stoked.


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