FRIDAY FICTIONEERS: 6 September 2013

“As always, writers are encouraged to be as innovative as possible with the prompt and 100 word constraints.”

Copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

(Form: Haibun
100 Words)

The Memory Shelf

I went on a lovely sentimental journey the other day while visiting my Mom. I walked into her room and saw her what-not shelf full of old bric-a-brac.  On one shelf were my silver charms from a bracelet I’d thought long lost and the shells I’d picked up from the time we went to Hawaii.

So many memories.  A tiny Tupperware charm from who knows which party, Grandma with my uncle when they were little and some things I’d never even seen before.  I took a photograph, a memory of  memories.

what-not memories
carefully placed on display
love not forgotten

13 thoughts on “FRIDAY FICTIONEERS: 6 September 2013

  1. You have absolutely no problem with the 100-word challenge, which isn’t surprising in my opinion as you are able to be so succinct with your haikus while capturing ideas so thoroughly.


  2. Pingback: Just A Note: September 9, 2013 | Bastet and Sekhmet

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