Cat Sith – April 28, 2014 – Quatrain Fairy Poem

Alfred Emile-Léopold Stevens - Belgian painter and author. "Allegory of the night"

Alfred Emile-Léopold Stevens – Belgian painter and author.
“Allegory of the night”

Fearsome feline of Celtic lores
Stalker of the Scottish moors …
She walks alone in darkest night,
On blackest fur glowing patch of white.

Her eyes are lamps that mesmerize.
Walk on moonlit nights, you might realize …
‘Tis she’s hunting there among the crags,
What you thought, just bits of shadowy rags.

Nine times she changes into a lass
When she wants to walk in daylit grass,
Among mankind in bright soft silks,
Aseducing the lads in their tartan kilts.

She is the Cat Sith, a fairy sure!
Though some think she is not so pure,
For her fur’s the color of sable black
And for her curious changling knack.

Inspired by the very informative post written by Flossie Benton Rogers entitled Mythic Monday: Cat Sith.