Father and Son (Friday Fictioneers)

Copyright -Claire Fuller

Copyright -Claire Fuller

Side by side they worked
Under the warm West Virginian sky
A father and his son,
Building a model biplane:
They felt like the brothers Wright.

Pipe dreams
Filled the workshop,
Thoughts of their fine future
Flying together through life’s sky
For all eternity.

The boy grew into a man.
He differed from his dad.
Their harmony moved into conflict,
They never stopped reflected nor wondered.
They didn’t look back once.

Time passed as time always does,
What was done was done.
Those men no longer talked,
Each walked his separate pathway.
Only the ghosts of pipe dreams still remained.

Word count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers: January 31, 2014

Go here for the links to other Friday Fictioneers!

30 thoughts on “Father and Son (Friday Fictioneers)

    • I must agree…for some reason the photo suggested a father and son working together…far in the past…there were qualities of the photo that suggested unfocused images of things…which I turned into ghosts…and often, unfortunately, children and parents become estranged…and should try and remember good moments, but either can’t or don’t.


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