Summer Morn – Puente – June 20, 2014

My summer morn began too soon …
Thus abed I pondered song birds,
Puzzled over obscure haiku,
And prompts I thought I’d like to write.

– Jumping out of bed, inspired, I fled –

Sat down behind my white keyboard,
Alas my inspiration, fled …
Dried up and gone like morning dew …
So I had coffee – then chatted.

This is from a prompt I came to through Bjorn, yesterday.  I’d never heard or at least had never wrote for Poetry Jam, but I was intriqued by the form and how Bjorn had written it so very well!

Then this morning I saw the Jen on Blog it or Lose it! had also given it a whirl, so copy-cat that I am, I had to try it out.  As it turned out it was less complicated than I had thought at first.  Though not inspired, I’ll post this and try again in the near future.

This is how it works:

– a total of 3 stanzas;
– 1st and 3rd stanzas 1 & 3 contain different thoughts;
– 1st and 3rd stanzas have the same number of lines (and possibly meter and/or rhyme) – depending on the poet’s preferences;
– 2nd stanza connects the *meaning* of the 1st and 3rd stanzas;
– 2nd stanza is one line and is enclosed in tildes (~);
 – 2nd stanza is technically the last line of the 1st stanza AND the 1st line of the 3rd stanza.

54 thoughts on “Summer Morn – Puente – June 20, 2014

  1. I also like to write in a certain form – it’s called freestyle or something and you basically write and jump when it sounds good. Rhymes help with sounding good but they’re not obligatory and don’t necessarily have to be at the end of a line :p
    Otherwise I’m bad at form and shape especially when it gets so complicated… every time I see what you write (even if it’s just haikus) I’m like wow! The first time I tried shadorma it ended up in a mess at the end I was just adding 3-syllable lines everywhere… so I admire you for achieving it all so effortlessly (at least that’s how it looks)


    • limericks is funs stuff!

      there was a young book worm from France
      who didn’t really stand half a chance
      when she woke up at 8
      she’d procrastinate
      ’til she saw it was noon with a glance.



  2. Ha, this made me smile. I know exactly what you mean. So often it seems I have some kind of inspiration in my brain…and when I sit down at the keyboard my mind is blank. So…I play ‘candy crush.’ LOL.

    Nice to see you. I do hope you will visit some others from Poetry Jam!


    • I most certainly will give it the old college try to drop by and read some of the others … as you saw from the post, it was reading two of them that got me here. Very inspiring …. ‘candy crush’ don’t think I’ve got that one, I’m a frog that shoots little balls it’s call Zuma’s Revenge!


  3. I like this, I will have it a go as since there does not seem too many restrictions with rhyme…I was wondering…could it be 2 haiku connected with one line???? just wondering if that would be fun too. Love the limericks Italy and France had going too!! Vous êtes très amusantes!! 😀


  4. Pingback: Bridge if hope (puente) | Traces of the Soul

  5. Hi Bastet,

    That was so nicely penned… I loved the challenged you had to follow and the ending result (AKA poem) stands out … The second stanza made me think of Walt Whitman, so joyful…

    And the contrsta between the first and the third stanza is so well tied through that verse of the second one…

    Just pure fun and very well done, as always…

    Best wishes and happy weekend to you, my dear Georgia,

    Aquileana 🙂



    • Hello!

      Thanks you very much for your interesting feedback .. I enjoyed reading what you received from the poem. It was daunting at first, but in fact the explanation was harder to follow than writing the poem! I’ve never been compaired to the great Walt Whitman before … what a compliment! Thank you so much for taking time to write cara Aquileanq! 🙂



  6. So glad you came by Poetry Jam. I think you did well with the puente form. I like the feeling of this poem and it seemed I was right there with you.


    • Ach does it ever. Last night there was a perfectly lovely storm here in Italy … the lightning flashed in an almost constant succession of light … brilliant booming. A poem began to form whilst I was in that stage of not quite sleeping but not being awake either. I turned on the light, grabbed my pen and puff … all gone. It’s funny how the ones that get away always bothers me so much. Glad you enjoyed the poem though.


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