Friday Fictioneers – December 30, 2014

PHOTO PROMPT - Copyright -Björn Rudberg

PHOTO PROMPT – Copyright -Björn Rudberg

Grassy steps led to an over-grown garden. Looking down Janice wondered who had built the walls and indeed, when those stony steps had last been used. The garden full of wild flowers was weed-choked but the sun filtered down invitingly. She began to descend, half-way down the stairs she stopped surprised.

Piercing the silence, a blood-curdling howl. Robin red-breast rises, screeching, into the sky.

She looked down the remaining stairs and saw a large brindled cat stride out from the undergrowth. Tail swishing she realized the hunter had lost his prey.

idyllic spring
among the wildflowers
the hunt continues

© G.s.k. ‘14

Friday Fictioneers

Skyclad for Belthane – #lqw- Wordle – Flash Fiction – November 14, 2014

skyclad, dram, pone, ponograph, boutonniere, myg, cotyledon

Credits: Dave does the Blog – click to go to the blog

The little doctor looked at the readings on the ponograph … 400 myg …

“Mighty weak I think … ach I could use with a dram of whiskey!” He whispered to the two ladies standing near him.

“But Doctor, does that mean I cannot participate in the ceremonies?” The grey haired gentleman attached to the instrument, who may or may not have had strong muscular powers, had very keen ears!

He looked as though he’d come through a time machine … not very tall, slightly wizened he had a cotyledon in the boutonniere of his morning coat, was just a little wilted, just as he was. He’s just turned 120 three days before and wanted to participate in the Beltane rites.  His daughters, the two elderly ladies, had felt that their father might suffer from dancing under the stars skyclad.

“No sir, you may participate if you will … actually I don’t understand how you are in such a glowing state!”

“Easy, I eat corn pone for breakfast with whiskey and cream, sleep in the nude and when the time comes dance under the stars skyclad!  The faeries and the gods keep me healthy being one of the few who still remember them.”

(c) G.s.k. ’14



Linked to #lqw

The Veil – Flash Fiction – October 30 2014

three_chairsThe Veil

Sitting on the bright sunny patio, she looked down at her notepad pondering.  How can you write Halloween poetry on such a bright sunny day?

The veil rends
At Halloween
Between worlds

No, she didn’t feel at all inspired.

A rumble seemed to shake the world, she looked up at the cloudless blue sky, “What the …” the thought remained hanging in the air as she heard another, even louder crash.

A feeling of foreboding percolated into her mind. With a third crash the patio began to tremble and disappear.

She sat upright in bed, a storm was brewing.


Linked to Friday  Fictioneers – PHOTO PROMPT-Copyright-Melanie Greenwood


Friday Ficioneer’s – My Friend Ray – October 10, 2014

Copyright-Rochelle Fields

PHOTO PROMPT Copyright-Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Ray can play any instrument he put his hand to. His den is a tribute to his talent.
He started playing at 3, on an old upright piano. He never took lessons, his mother didn’t have the money for that sort of thing.

He put together a band in the early 70s. One afternoon back in 1974, he came over to my house with a record. He wanted to words for ‘Smoke on the Water’. We spent the afternoon trying to catch the words … he’d already caught the score.

Life’s strange, he went on to become a civil engineer.

Friday Fictioneers – weekly photo prompt

Yesterday’s Posts – August 16, 2014

sunroot flowers

sunroot flowers

I know how reading the reader and keeping up with the e-mail flash notifications can be difficult.  Plus, I don’t just blog on The Library so here is a round-up of my yesterday’s posts –  all in one convenient place of reference

From the Waka Library| Bastet and Sekhmet’s Library (a reblog from the Waka Library – Writing with Gibran – Paradise)

The Bureau| Bastet and Sekhmet’s Library

Red Wolf’s Wordle| Bastet and Sekhmet’s Library

Vanity – Quartine| Poet’s Corner (a reblog of Red Wolf’s Wordle)

Writing With Gibran – Paradise| Bastet’s Waka Library

Sparkling Stars – Frog Pong| Bastet’s Waka Library

Yesterday’s Posts – August 12, 2014

Foro RomanoI know how reading the reader and keeping up with the e-mail flash notifications can be difficult.  Plus, I don’t just blog on The Library so here is a round-up of my yesterday’s posts –  all in one convenient place of reference.

Monday Wordleing| Bastet and Sekhmet’s Library

For Tale Weavers| Bastet and Sekhmet’s Library

Yesterday’s Post – August 9, 2014


I know how reading the reader and keeping up with the e-mail flash notifications can be difficult.  Plus, I don’t just blog on The Library so here is a round-up of my yesterday’s posts –  all in one convenient place of reference.

The Half Eaten Brioche| Bastet and Sekhmet’s Library

Fallen Dreams| Bastet and Sekhmet’s Library

Writing with Gibran – Ancestors| Bastet’s Waka Library

Justice| Bastet’s Waka Library

Tan Renga| Bastet’s Waka Library

Yesterday’s Posts – August 8, 2014

Bavarian Band

Bavarian Band

I know how reading the reader and keeping up with the e-mail flash notifications can be difficult.  Plus, I don’t just blog on The Library so here is a round-up of my yesterday’s posts –  all in one convenient place of reference.

The Rock People| Bastet’s and Sekhmet’s Library

The Train| Bastet’s and Sekhmet’s Library

Life, Death and Time| Bastet and Sekhmet’s Library

Writing with Gibran – The Forest| Bastet’s Waka Library

Yesterday’s Posts – August 5, 2014


I know how reading the reader and keeping up with the e-mail flash notifications can be difficult.  Plus, I don’t just blog on The Library so here is a round-up of my yesterday’s posts –  all in one convenient place of reference.

Monday Wordle – The Monster and his Fleas| Bastet and Sekhmet’s Library

Rodeo Queen| Bastet and Sekhmet’s Library

Writing With Gibran – Movement| Bastet’s Waka Library

Writing With Gibran – Sweetness| Bastet’s Waka Library

Tan Renga| Bastet’s Waka Library

The Trekker – July 30, 2014

It seemed like just any other day to Gordon Westerman, in fact it was the day that he learnt an important aspect of his future.

It was the summer of 2025. Gordon Westerman had been out trekking near some mounds in a little known Appalachian area, which were reputed to be haunted by native Americans, when he saw something glistening in the grass not far from the path he’d been walking along. Curious, he went towards the glitter and saw that in fact it was a golden locket. He picked it up and found that it was rather heavy. Placing it in his pocket, he went on his way, feeling he’d been rather lucky to have come across such a precious object and thought nothing more about it.

That evening, in his room at the local guesthouse, after taking a warm shower, he remembered the locket, pulled it out of the pocket of his soiled trousers and began to study it. It was one of those lover’s lockets, with an intricate design, which could be opened. Inside he found two photographs, one of which was of himself, or so it seemed.

The odd thing about the photograph was that he seemed to be in fact older. The face was heavier and there was a lot of grey in the his hair. He was wondering if someone had set him up and if he was the object of some farce. Then he decided that it was probably just a coincidence that the photo resembled him.

He looked carefully at the second photograph. It was the photograph of a youngish looking woman. She’d have been in her late sixties, though why he thought so he couldn’t say. She was a rather handsome woman, if she’d been closer to his own age, he probably would have found her attractive. The next day, he decided to return to the spot where he’d found the locket.

As he arrived near the spot he began to feel uneasy and a little light-headed. There was a peculiar boulder near where the object had been found which he’d remembered from the day before, not far from an ancient mound.  He got off the trail again and started looking around the site, not knowing what he was actually looking for.

After a bit of moving leaves and debris, he found a mouldering heap of bones and two skulls. The skulls were badly damaged, in fact, caved in by some heavy object. He wondered why he hadn’t seen them the day before, they weren’t far from where the locket had been found. He backed off and began to feel rather sick to his stomach and again there was the strange feeling of light-headedness. He quickly got back onto the trail and returned, almost running the whole way, to the guest house.

He told the director what he’d found, who proceeded to call the police once he realized that the tourist was serious. Twenty minutes later a squad car pulled up. Three agents got out of the car, one was a woman who looked to be around twenty or a little more. He liked her walk. As she came closer, his mouth fell open. It was the woman in the photograph he’d found in the locket, only a much younger version. His head began to spin and he felt faint. He decided not to show them the locket.



Written for Three Word Wednesday